Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.”

The desire of God is for everyone to shine brightly and continually in all areas of life. For this to happen, three important steps are required:

  1. Come Out of Darkness: Like the moon reflects the sun’s light when perfectly aligned, align yourself with Jesus Christ, the light of the world (John 9:5). Believe in Him, accept Him as your Lord and Savior (John 8:12), and walk in His ways for the light of life.
  2. Stay Aligned with the Light: Avoid being like the moon, which only reflects sunlight monthly. To shine continuously, you must be connected with Jesus Christ (John 15:1-2). Maintain your fellowship with the Holy Trinity— your source of light.
  3. Shine the Light: Reflect the love of Jesus Christ on the world (John 15:2; Matthew 5:14–16). Share His teachings, emphasizing His healing and saving power. The more you shine His light, the brighter and more intense it becomes

In conclusion, the path of the just is like a shining light that shines more and more unto the
perfect day (Proverbs 4:18). A shining light lives a righteous life, free from impurities that can
dim its brightness. Turn all your struggles to Jesus and begin to shine your light. Remain
rupturable until we come your way again.

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